Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Why I am NOT celebrating International Women's Day in 2017

Now don't freak out by the title. I have a perfectly good explanation for it. I think it is a good celebration, but not this year.

The International Women's Day is a fight/stance for equality. Well..that is where this has gotten out of hand. 
"After the 19th Amendment affirming women's right to vote was ratified in 1920, suffragist leader Alice Paul introduced the ERA in 1923 as the next step in bringing "equal justice under law" to all citizens. In 1972, the ERA was finally passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification." 

Women gained equal right years and years ago. The reason why they are fighting for it now? Stupidity, anger, dissatisfaction, protesting against the government, and the list goes on. To me, those are some terrible reasons to be creating such a huge riot. Women have the same equal rights as men, and are now even gaining more to this day. I believe women now have the upper hand and I hate that. Women are avoiding shopping, not showing up to work, skipping their daily duties just to show what a day without women would be. 

The modern day women is butchy, loud, lacks in manners and sophistication, arrogance, thinking they are better than men, and so on. 

"Thinking they are better than men..."  Well that contradicts everything they so-called stand for.
If they are fighting for equality, then why are they portraying themselves to be better than men? Wouldn't that be considered inequality? 

Don't take this the wrong way. As a woman, these are my personal concerns on what womanhood has become this day and age. It honestly frightens me to think where it could end up. I'M NOT HATING ON THE HOLIDAY ITSELF, BUT I DON'T LIKE WHAT IT HAS BECOME THIS DAY AND AGE.

Think of the brothers, sons, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, boyfriends, and all the men out there. Do you want them to think they are less than women? Have you considered that maybe they are hurting from this? Women are too busy thinking of how they can empower themselves, instead of thinking how they can help MEN and women both. 

Image result for our generation is become so busy trying to prove what women can do

Please if you think this is getting out of hand, do something and stand up and fight with me for the right kind of womanhood. 
LADIES, this one is about you. My last post was about how to pray for your future husband, but not this one….this is one is all about us. You can’t fix him, but you can fix yourself….I heard this q...: